Nick our Chair opened the evening by making the following announcements:
Our exhibition of competition images is now being shown at Bradwell Church;
Denis Thorpe is holding his new exhibition at Stockport Art Gallery, commencing 1400 15th September. I know that some of our members will attend. Phone Ian O or Nick if you want to discuss car sharing;
There are two exhibitions in Sheffield: ‘Victorian Giants – the birth of photography’ at Millennium Gallery, Arundal Gate, ending 23rd September. ‘Love among the Ruins’, S1 Artspace, 1 Norwich Street;
There’ll be two more informal evenings this Year at The Angler’s Rest, Bamford: 4th September and 13th November.
Ian S reminded members that the if you want to enter images, or a panel of images for the NEMPH exhibition, please contact him and he’ll give further details and advice. Ian will deliver exhibition images if members contact him.
Subsequent to the notices, the main part of the evening commenced: Eight of our members, each being allocated 10 minutes to show any of their images, covering a theme or themes of their choice. It’s alway enjoyable to listen to and view images shown by visiting presenters. Equally these ‘home grown’ shows are always fun – listening to our members speak to and show their images under the 10 minute ‘Beat the Clock’ rule: