Roger, our 2021 Chair, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone, then talked us through tonight’s programme and forthcoming events, as shown in the screenshot below. Roger also confirmed that it was most likely that the Exhibition of images at June’s meeting would be conducted via Zoom. Roger drew our attention to our website, calling for members to submit the Exhibition images (shown as a header page above) where information and the rules can be viewed.

Roger also announced that Kate and Keith Brown won two prizes at The IAC Peter Coles International Audio Visual Competition which was held last weekend via Zoom – it is normally held each year in Capel Curig. Keith & Kate had entered “These Boots”. which is an AV which they made on behalf of the club. It is the story of William Lennon’s shoe and boot factory in Stoney Middleton. The photographs are from a number of club members whilst Kate & Keith did the sound track and production. The story was told by Les Lennon who sadly died last year. These Boots… was awarded a mini love spoon “Highly Commended Award” and also 5th in the Audience vote. Here’s a few images that formed part of the award winning audio visual (Click onto an image to see it in greater detail. then use the arrow key to view expanded images):
Some images from Anne’s presentation