Castleton was gripped by a snowy blast on this Thursday and so, not surprisingly attendance at the AGM was reduced to eleven hardy members. However, it was a good evening with the agenda being dealt with by the interval and Ann entertaining those attending, once were refreshed, with “Windows, the Good the Bad and the Ugly”
Minutes of the AGM
- Apologies for absence:- R Fowler J&M Smith A&T Noon H Watson N Fowler S Elliot K Frenkel J Deitch I&J Holmes Z Sampson W Hallam N Chalkley R Clemens
Attendees 11 - Approval of the Minutes – Proposed AS Seconded PH
- Matters arising from the past year – None
- Ann Smith gave the Chair’s Report for 2023
As it was the 20th anniversary year two events in particular stood out. The raffling of the Denis Thorpe photo “Ribble Head Viaduct” at the 20th celebration. Also the autumn meal was well attended and Roger Moore provided a taxing photo quiz to help the evening along. In 2023 the annual exhibition was erected very successfully on three occasions, Hope and Bradwell churches, followed by our own coffee morning in Hope Old School. The “Scavenger Hunt” was another success as were the numerous presentations by club members and guests throughout the year. - John Sampson gave the Treasurer’s presentation of accounts for 2023 and concluded by saying that although we have a slight surplus the club will need to plan to replace the club laptop in the coming years. John also reminded members that the subscriptions for 2024 will remain at the 2023 cost of £35 (£60 for a couple and £5 per meeting for non-members).
- Election of Officers for 2024 – No nominations were received & committee members agreed to continue for another year, apart from Jason Deitch and Nick Chalkley. President – Ray Fowler continues in office. Chair Ann Smith Deputy Chair Paul Hatt Secretary Paul Hatt Program Secretary Margaret Drabble was accepted and Keith Brown volunteered to help her in the role Treasurer John Sampson Committee members Roger Moore and Ian Stanyon (two further committee places remain unfilled).
- Any other business a – Addition to the constitution. Keith was accepted as Vice President, Ray Fowler being unable to attend committee meetings. The following addition was accepted to the clubs constitution.
5.1 The Society shall be administered by a Management Committee consisting of the President/Vice President, the Officers, and not more than two other elected members. 7. Role of the Vice-President 7.1 The duties of the Vice-President are to: a. support the President; and
b. substitute for the President as and when required. 7.2 The Vice-President shall be appointed at a General Meeting of the Society. 7.3 The term of appointment for the Vice-President is undefined but may be terminated at any time by the post holder or at a General Meeting of the Society

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Just before the evening came to a close Keith/Ann presented some of the certificates awarded to members as a result of the exhibition.

“I want to hold your hand” John Sampson

“Check your mirror” Ann Smith

“Lilac-breasted roller” John Sampson

“Solitary vigil” John Sampson G15

“Four faces” Keith Brown