Roger, our Chairman for 2021 opened the meeting by giving the following information:
Annual Exhibition Our exhibition will go ahead this year, but we don’t know yet whether it will be held in a physical location or on-line. So, please start thinking about your entries, but don’t go to the expense of making any prints just yet in case we only need digital images. Recall that this year’s themed section (set by Joan) is entitled “Bridging the Gap“.
Thornhill Carr Paul Hatt and David Allwood are leading the Society’s contribution to documenting the re-wilding at Thornhill Carr. The Bamford Community Arts and Crafts group has now obtained funding for a creative art project based around this new Derbyshire Wildlife Trust reserve. If you have any relevant interest or skills and would like to get involved, please contact David Allwood. There will be a kick-off Zoom meeting about it in early March (probably Wednesday 3rd).
2020 YearBook Copies of the 2020 YearBook are now available to purchase. It’s an historic edition as it contains a special section on ‘Lockdown’ that’s been put together by Ray using images which Members had submitted. If you want a copy please contact our Chairman, Roger.
CHVPS Facebook Page Roger reminded us that the Society has a FaceBook page that is maintained for us by Susan Hughes. Not only is it a useful source of information, members can post images on our FaceBook page So why not look out one of your favourite images, and post it on our page for others to see.
Then Roger introduced our speaker for the night: Malcom Sales, After a difficult time failing to get to grips with the technology, Malcolm ( eventually entertained us with an eclectic set of images taken on his Smartphone – mostly of lockdown scenes in his local vicinity. His two main messages were: “the smartphone is a real camera” and “don’t forget the basic rules of photography“.

Malcom then illustrated that with care and attention, whilst following the same rules as using a conventional camera, it’s possible to produce images taken from a smartphone that are interesting and can also ‘tell a story’. The first part of Malcolm’s presentation covered iPhone images of empty streets during lockdown. Showing how people maintained (least at the start of the lockdown) social distancing, The second part of his presentation showed images taken on his iPhone and then also processed using the various Apps and software shown above.