May Meeting This was our second members’ evening of the 2021 season and, as always, it was varied and informative. Joan showed us how she’d enjoyed her photography despite the COVID-19 restrictions, Hazel took us on a worldwide tour of rocks, reflections and close-ups, and Keith explained how to get into making audio-visual presentations with super examples by Kate and himself. Keith has compiled some useful information about how to get started with audio-visuals and PTE-AV-Studio, and if you’d like a demo of PTE contact Keith or Ian O. Thanks to all three for an excellent evening of photography.
Members’ Survey We’ve received a good number of interesting responses to the Society’s on-line survey. If you haven’t completed it yet, you have until Friday 21st May to express your views about the running of the Society.
Mentoring/Critique Group One of the initiatives arising from the survey is to set up a mentoring/critique group, and the best way to do that right now is on-line. If you wish to be involved (as a mentee or mentor), please send our Chair Roger an email and you will be added to the Group. You will then be able to post images for comment by other members of the Group or comment on other members’ images yourself.
Exhibition during Hope Wakes Week We have an opportunity to mount a physical exhibition in St. Peter’s church during Hope Wakes Week (26th June to 4th July). All members are invited to submit one or two prints, especially any that are already mounted on foam backing. Contact Keith Brown if you wish to take part.
Members’ Contact Details Several people have commented that they don’t have an up-to-date list of members and their contact details as the usual printed programme wasn’t able to be handed out at the AGM this year. So, we’ll shortly be emailing a contact list for those who have completed the GDPR form.
Next Meeting Our next meeting is on 10th June, when Robert Falconer will be appraising our exhibition entries.