Ann introduced the meeting with a reminder that we have a coffee morning on Saturday September 28th from 10am at the old school in Hope (raffle prize donations to Margaret Drabble).
Secondly the members were offered the new and beautifully photographed 2025 calendar from Steve Elliot for £10.
Ann also mentioned the Canadian photographer, Debra Garside who recently visited her fathers birthplace of Hayfield and asked for a guide to the area. Ann and Paul accompanied Debra for a lovely stroll up through Hayfield, past Kinder reservoir and on up to the “downfall”. Debra left us with her book, as well as some Maple Cookies, which we will raffle for club funds.
The presenter for the evening was Malcolm Imhoff FRPS FACI(M) AV-EFIAP who gave us an “An Audio Visual Journey” and what a journey!
Malcolm is an audio visual expert with decades of experience and is also a very accomplished mountaineer as was soon evident. It is not possible on this website, to do any kind of justice to the variety and professionalism of his presentation. The quality of photography, the choice of music and breadth of subjects tackled was wonderful.

Malcolm and his wife loved the Lake District and “Love will remain”, which was the penultimate AV of the evening was in memory of the many happy holidays they spent there prior to her demise.
Mountains figured in many of the AV shows as they have been an important and absorbing part of the “journey” Malcolm has taken in his life so far. The Lake District, Wales, Scotland and Ireland all featured in one or another of the presentations. However Malcolm is a very accomplished mountaineer with over twenty 4000ft Alpine summits completed. Breath-taking snow covered peaks in the Swiss alps were accompanied by thoughtful soundtracks to make an absorbing AV.
The images presented below will give you a hint as to the professionalism and enthusiasm required to put on such an entertaining evening. It was also evident that expeditions to a wide range of places feature in Malcolm’s experience, with trips to Venice, Nepal, France and Japan also being included in the evenings presentations.
It would be great to see Malcolm back with us in the future if he is not too busy on his home territory down in the midlands or on adventures much further afield!

And finally…
I couldn’t finish this page without a last reference to our Canadian visitor (further images at debragarside.com) shown below collecting her award and also being “entertained” by the clubs valiant chair.