Our Chair Ann started the meeting with a big thankyou to Keith Brown who is standing down from the committee in 2024. Keith has been a very active member for 20 years and carried out key roles throughout that time. Currently Keith is programme secretary which is a pivotal role in the society and to that end he already has an outline for the 2024 programme, furthermore he is offering to work alongside the new post holder for 2024. Hopefully by January a new programme secretary will have taken up this generous offer of help and guidance.
In the coming months there are numerous events for members;
Monday August 14th will see members exploring Bugsworth Canal Basin (meet 6pm) with the possibility of a chat and a pub meal afterwards.
Saturday September 9th is our coffee morning in Hope Old School, the exhibition (currently in Bradwell Church) will be on display, hot drinks, cake and a raffle will also feature. If you can provide a cake or a raffle prize please email Margaret@Drabble.org.uk
Thursday September 14th will be the clubs 20th anniversary and we are hoping to have a Dennis Thorpe presentation as well as a talk by some of the clubs founder members. There will also be a display of photos from the many year books, the drawing of the winner ticket of the Dennis Thorpe print and of course plenty of refreshments with time to chat.
Thursday November 23rd we are holding a social gathering/celebration and supper in Castleton Methodist Hall with catering by Jo’s Pantry more details will be emailed shortly.
Guest Speakers – Judy and Mike Smith

Judy and Mike have been catching up on their travels post pandemic so they had a lot of fantastic photos from both hot and cold climates.

They also brought along some of their prints so that the members could see the images close up.

A lovely evening from two great photographers and very entertaining speakers