I’m sorry that I missed this meeting, as Keith – our 2022 Chair – had already told me about Richard’s remarkable skill as an Audio Visual photographer. So here’s Keith account of the meeting, along with six of the photographs Richard showed during his AV presentation:
Richard treated us to a superb evening of Audio Visuals which lifted all our spirits after hearing, just 45 minutes before the start of the evening, the very sad news that our beloved Queen had sadly passed away. We therefore started the evening with a minute’s silence of respect before Richard showed us 10 Audio Visuals – a variety of styles – and why he is regarded as one of the top Audio Visual workers in this country.
All 10 sequences showed Richard’s skill as a photographer, sound producer, script writer and narrator. These included: “Arrival” – (Birmingham)“The Burning of the leaves” – (a very moving poem) “And Never Cackled” – (Bletchley Park) “The Gasman Cometh – (Humorous Flanders and Swan song) “Denis Thorpe – the final frame” – (Denis’s friendship with LS Lowry and the taking of an iconic photograph following his death))“The ascent of Monte Baldo” – (stunning landscapes near Lake Garda)“Death of Steam” – (Scrap yard for steam engines in Barry Island)“Liquid Gold” – (The most expensive liquid – the ink for the inkjet printer)“Inside Outside” – (Surrealist sequence produced during lockdown)“In search of Christina”- (The story behind a famous photograph).
Two of the sequences are more than worthy of special mention: “Denis Thorpe – the final frame”- Richard was deservedly awarded second place for this AV at NAVC (The National Audio Visual Championships) last weekend. “In Search of Christina” – this masterpiece was awarded first place at The International Audio Visual Championships in 2019 and at the NAVC, the President of The Royal Photographic Society, Simon Hill Hon FRPS, specifically asked if this could be projected after all the other sequences had been shown. An honour indeed and enjoyed by us all as well as by our members last Thursday.

Coffee Morning – from Margaret Drabble
We had a very well attended Coffee Morning on Saturday 10th September in the Old School, Hope. Several CHVPS members in attendance (as well as our regulars) and some even won a raffle prize! It was a lovely atmosphere considering the dreadful news we received on Thursday 8th September that Her Majesty The Queen had passed away. Everyone chatted to each other and all admired the photographs on display. It was lovely to see Karen Frankel at this event – she hopes to join us at a meeting soon.
Many thanks to all who helped in any way – either before the event, or afterwards clearing up. We made a profit of £115 (£30 had already been paid for the hire of the room). It is certainly something we could do again. A lovely social event – the jigsaws were well received as well as the cakes! Margaret
Christmas Dinner
Our Christmas Dinner has been arranged for Thursday December 8th at The George Hotel, Hathersage – 7.30 for 8pm. We have been offered an excellent three course menu at £32.50 and we have the use of a private room.
Thank you to Ian Ord who has done a lot of work in organising this – for further information or to book a place, please contact him at: iangord@icloud.com