This month we had hoped to feature members photography questions and their solutions. However, as there were too few questions submitted some of the members volunteered to present a topic of their choosing.
Ann introduced the theme of this months meeting and also thanked Margaret for organising a very successful outing to the Bugsworth canal basin (and pub). Thanks were also extended to the “team” that put the exhibition up at Hope church and of course, moved it back into storage prior to the next occasion at Bradwell church.
The first presenter for the evening was Ian who explained how to transfer photos from camera to laptop or tablet. This was in response to a question from a member and was dealt with using Google photos as one example of an easy way to simplify the task. Ian also tackled the issue of sizing prints and mounting them for our exhibition, showing several formats and giving hints on how to make the process as simple as possible.

The second speaker of the evening was Wayne who explained how he used Photoshop to great effect when enhancing images. Amongst the numerous examples and techniques Wayne showed us were three that he had created for previous exhibition entries.

Following a tea break and accompanying biscuit or two the members re-assembled for 3 more presentations with the titles of;
Depth of Field, Macro Photography and Making the Most of It.

A short presentation on Depth of Field from Paul. Introducing the idea that members that almost always use the camera on “Auto” might try Aperture Priority to try photographs with a large aperture and hence a narrow depth of field.

Mike showed a number of Macro Images taken on a trip to Bulgaria with Judy. The photos almost all utilised a narrow depth of field to help emphasise some great images of insects. Spending so long on your knees in wet grass at the crack of dawn certainly deserved the reward of the stunning photos Mike had to show us all.

Keith closed the evening with a presentation of photos taken on a trip to Switzerland. Despite the tourist board showing many photos of blue skies over the Alpine peaks, the weather on the trip was rather different. Snow and mist featured extensively hence the title “Making The Most Of It”. A particular view of the Matterhorn involved waiting for half an hour and hoping that the cloud might lift from the peak.