The evening began informally with the collection of prints for the annual exhibition. This year the themed category is for photos inspired by the “Beatles” or a member of the band in the years when they were making music as part of another group or indeed on their own.
Ann introduced the more formal part of the meeting with a reminder of the successful Denis Thorpe exhibition recently staged at the Adventure Cafe in Hope. Denis generously donated a print of his photo of the Ribble Head Viaduct for the club to use in generating funds. Raffle tickets will be on sale at club meetings to give members a chance to win this wonderful print.
Ann broke with the club tradition and announced the theme for next years exhibition “Man at Work”. As usual members can give this theme a wide interpretation to embrace the idea of man/human/men/women. etc.
For 2023 the appraisal of the exhibition will take place on June 8th so if you would like to see some fine prints please come along. Ashley Franklin is our guest for the evening and no doubt he will provide us with an interesting evaluation of the exhibition as well as a fascinating insight into his own work.
The first speaker for the evening was Axel Chatburn who presented images from his Pennine Way Adventures

Many of the miles were done alone and in every kind of “Pennine Weather”. Long car journeys featured in the south most stretches.

Further north wife and children could not be such a major part of the experience but other friends were willing companions.
Axel gave us a fascinating glimpse into a Pennine “journey” much as Alfred Wainwright would have experienced it.
The second speaker of the evening was our previous chair, Keith Brown.
The title for his presentation was “2022 – A Busy Year Of Photography” Keith then showed us a variety of images taken from several trips he had been on in 2022 as well as some images from the two club nights aimed at refining the participants skills in portraiture.

1. Dean and Lynda at Edwardian day in Castleton
2. Graham Currey at Portrait night
3. Yorkshire Sculpture Park
4. Eiger Monch and Jungfrau – Switzerland
5. Hard Days Night Hotel – Paul McCartney suite.
6. Hepworth Gallery
7 Thiepval Memorial – The Somme.
8 Lauterbrunnen Valley – Switzerland.
9 Raging Bull – Commonwealth Games Birmingham

Ann closed the meeting with thanks to our two excellent presenters and a reminder that the next meeting is on June 8th.
I should also remind members to let Roger Moore know if they would like to order a year book and of course that a raffle ticket could be your chance to win a Dennis Thorpe photo for only £5.