Jason was ill, so Erica made the announcements:
The Whatever the Weather social meeting at Hope Sports ground on 10th August was well attended, with perhaps untypical August weather for the Hope Valley, as it was both warm and mainly sunny. The raffle was a great success, with a quite a number being successful in the raffle by winning EyeFi wireless camera memory cards, donated by EyeFi through Alan Hinchcliffe.
The photo-opportunity/social meeting at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park will take place on either Saturday the 3rd or 10th October.
Ian & Christine will be on holiday for the next meeting at The Anglers’ Rest, thus please forward your images of Musical Instruments to Jason, rather than Ian.
The main event of the evening , a photo-exchange, was a great success and will hopefully be repeated next year, as 40 superb slideshow images from Finger Lakes Photographic Society were shown, followed by another slideshow, showing all 91 images entered by members into our 2015 competition
The exhibition at St Barnabas Church was a real success, with 994 votes being cast by members of the public. Here are the top 10 public votes
Ian Stanyon – 53 votes Steve Elliot – 46 votes Richard Clemons – 41 votes

Pat Fowler – 32 votes Alan Hinchcliffe- 26 votes

Les Nixon – 42 votes Phil Sproson – 36 votes David Allwood – 30 votes

Erica Dietsch – 24 votes Keith Brown – 23 votes

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