Early December and the final meeting of 2023, the club has had a good year with several highlight such as the rainy outing to Bugsworth Basin, a delightful autumn social in Castleton village hall and of course the 25th anniversay celebration in September.

To conclude the year the club was delighted to have another outstanding professional photographer, Alex Hyde. With a repetoire ranging from landscapes centered around his Peak District home, to Alpine meadows and mountains Alex has arrived at a specialism focused on natural history. However, that singular label does not do justice to the range of images the audience were treated to. Macro photography of the highest standard shown with a relaxed and friendly commentary left the audience in no doubt what a talent they had before them.

Apart from national newspapers, New Scientist and BBC Wildlife magazine, Alex has had images used by publications all over the world. If you are interested to learn more I would recomend a visit to his website (AlexHyde.PhotoShelter.com) where you will find the images shown below and a whole host of other fantastic work.

The photographs were amazing and the commentary was enthralling, thankyou Alex for a great evening to conclude 2023.