Our Chair opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests, particularly our judge Peter and his wife. We couldn’t have been honoured by a more qualified judge as Peter Cheetham Hon PAGB. Peter and his wife have both been Presidents of the PAGB, with Peter also being President of NEMPF! Peter told me that he’s been judging for 40 (yes 40) years! If you look at the snaps I’ve inserted in this web-post you’ll see that Peter must have started judging as a young man.
Before getting down to the judging, Ian announced forthcoming events, encapsulated below.

The first half of the evening was devoted to Peter judging the “General Competition” images, followed by tea/coffees, before Peter judged this years competition theme” ‘It Gives Me Joy’. I was impressed with the time that Peter spent in examining each competition image – giving shrewd and positive feedback, whilst also giving hints and advice on how a slightly weaker image could have been improved. Such feedback is invaluable, as it allows the exhibitor to see how her or his image is viewed and appraised by a more experienced eye. I’ve included a selection of images, both showing Peter casting his eagle eye on each competiton image, as well as Peter’s final sift of those who were awarded a 1st, 2nd or 3rd, as well as commendations. We now have two addition categories: The Catherine Cup, awarded this year to Stephen Elliott for the best colour competition image, and the Denis Thorpe Trophy awarded this year to Keith Brown FRSP for the best monochrome competition image.
I’ve attached a list of the competitors and results below.