This was the second of our 2022 combined face to face and Zoom meetings, with David Gibbins ARPS, APAGB, EFIAP/b, BPE5 due to give the presentation in person. Unfortunately David had contacted Covid19 and was unable to visit us to present his lecture “My Photography” . However he was able to present to us via Zoom and we were treated to an excellent lecture, beautifully constructed which kept us entertained all evening. The projection and sound system in the large hall was superb and it felt as if David was in the room with us. The members watching at home also were able to enjoy David’s talk and we saw many thumbs-up.
The evening was split into two parts. Part one; the pictures David loves to take – landscapes, patterns, trees, architecture. monochrome and Hull, interspersed with four superb Audio Visuals finishing before the break with a very moving sequence remembering Lockdown 2020.
After the break we saw some of his excellent photographs that helped him to progress from EFIAP to EFIAP/bronze. David showed us his images as taken in the camera and then visually revealed all the artistic work needed to produce the final images. His final image was a collection of Anthony Gormley’s statues on Crosby beach; a wonderful, prize winning image to close the evening.
David is a busy person, very involved with work for the PAGB and N&EMPF and we could see why David is such a popular lecturer. His explanations, about his own photographs, show why he is such a sought after judge. I am not surprised that, thanks to Zoom, he has been snapped up by clubs in Australia.
Thank you to our technical team of Ian, Paul, Roger and Alan and especially to David, for a memorable evening and hopefully we will see him again.
Here are the announcements that were made by our 2022 Chair during the meeting:
Exhibition. Following Ian S’s emails please contact him if you have difficulty with understanding how to size your prints or where to get them printed. If you have them ready for mounting please get them to Ian Stanyon or myself asap. The final date for entering is our next meeting – May 12th.
Year Book 2021. The Committee have seen a PDF of the Year Book and it is excellent – thank you Roger for producing another fabulous book. I members to consider buying a copy. he details as to how to go about that is in Roger’s email, circulated to members on April 15.
Social Outings. Ray Fowler has organised three outings, which were covered in an email sent to members on 15th April
Chapel Camera Club have an exhibition of images taken during Lockdown 2020. It is on until 2nd May at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. If you wish to meet the photographers they will be there every Saturday during the exhibition from 2 pm to 4 pm.
Next Meeting Thursday 12th May. Two lectures by our own members. Ian Ord will be presenting “Drone Photography” and Roger Moore will give us “Anything Go’s”. Also this is the closing date for our exhibition and the doors will be open at 6 30 to receive your prints.