At the beginning of this months meeting there were a couple more certificates to present from last years exhibition. After Ann wished us all a jolly welcome she handed over to our vice president Keith to present two certificates to Wayne (1st & 3rd in the themed category) and one to Nick (2nd in the themed category).

Following on from this jolly start to the evening came a presentation from Paul with the title “The Mass Trespass”. Combining a little bit of the history with a lot of photos, the talk focused on the route that the 1932 trespass took from Hayfield up along Kinder Edge and back down into Hayfield. Further photos covered the route that the Sheffield walkers might have used from Edale up onto Kinder Edge via either Jacobs Ladder or Grinds Brook. The conclusion of the presentation showed some old black and white images of a few of the trespassers that were arrested and later imprisoned.

After a short tea break we re-assembled for a talk by Wayne with the title “Brace Yourself”.
Few of us knew that Wayne was a highly qualified and technically adept dental technician with decades of experience in the field. Designing and creating braces, dentures and various other dental devices provided some fascinating photos and a very interesting presentation. The technical nature of the work, along with the variety of techniques require to manipulate metals and plastics have given Wayne a set of highly versatile skills. Photographs of some jewellery that he made as well as various decorative silver bowls, ladles and a wine coaster left the audience in no doubt of the ability and versatility that Wayne has acquired.