February’s meeting was a very successful members’ meeting looking at images relating to Street Scenes. 11 members submitted 118 images for appraisal and there were plenty of interesting comments from club members! All the images were well received and the evening went very quickly. These images were from….
Hazel Watson “Bikes”.
Les Nixon “Bus”
Roger Moore “couple”
Announcements on the evening included reminding members about the AV night on Friday 25 March 2016 at 7.30pm at YHA Losehill Hall, Castleton. Roger Moore showed us examples and spoke about the new 2015 Year Book available via Ian Ord on email. Kate also told the club about the Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition at St Luke’s Church, Sheffield, on Saturday 2 April, 7.15 for 7.30pm and whether we want to enter this year. The general feeling from the club was yes we do want to enter and the committee will select an entry from the submitted entries.