Notices for July & August

Hello CHVPS members
Ian has asked for the following information to be passed onto you  all.
Connie Brown Many members will have met Connie Brown, who’s Keith’s mother and a resident of Hope for quite a number of years. Connie, who had had a heart of gold and was full of fun,  died on Wednesday 9th July. A celebration of Connie’s life will be held at St Peter’s Church, Hope at 1430 on Thursday 31st of July. Connie was a football fan and I understand that Keith & Kate would like all those who attend the celebration of Connie’s life to wear football club coloured ties or bright colours.
C&HVPS and Hathersage’s Gala  I’d like to thank everyone who attended the gala, or helped Jason & Erica, or donated raffle prizes. Many gala attendees were interested in the images which were displayed in the gazebo, with some expressing interest in joining C&HVPS. Some visitors wanted to buy the images on display! I’d particularly like to thank Jason & Erica. They spent many hours planning our part in Hathersage’s Gala, coming up with the brilliant idea of ordering a large and colourful C&HVPS  banner. We’ll be able to use this banner many times in the future, starting with the exhibition of our 2014 competition images at St Edmund’s Church.
Our annual exhibition and AV at St Edmund’s Church
All of this year’s competition images will be displayed between 16th to 25th August (1400 to 1630) at St Edmund’s Church, Castleton.
Don’t forget that Keith & Kate are presenting their AV’s on August 22nd, also at St Edmund’s Church. The presentation starts at 1930 and finishes at 2130. Admission for paid up members of C&HVPS will be free. Why don’t you bring partners and friends to this event? Adults £4, children £2. Ray will be taking bookings and issuing tickets, which can also be bought at our next meeting on August 14th. All being well, Denis Thorpe will present the trophy to Nick Chalkley, who won the monochrome section of this year’s competition.
Kind regards

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