Well actually not many people brought along their Christmas presents. However, we had a great turn out with 12 members and a couple of partners joining in. The evening was held in the Café end and it looked really good with the walls being adorned with members’ photos from our last competition Song titles and General images on show.
We were treated to some fantastic photography by Stephen Elliott from a recent visit he had to North Wales. He has this uncanny ability to make what appears to be a depressing slate mine in Welsh rain into really interesting photographs that we all enjoyed seeing. We also had viewings of images from Nick Chalkley, David Allwood and Ian Stanyon covering quite a mix of photographic genres.
The next informal evening is in April and is on Tuesday16th, so coinciding with Pizza night. A theme has not been agreed yet, if anybody has any particular ideas they would like to suggest, please let Ian Stanyon know. We look forward to seeing you at the Angler’s Rest, Bamford in April.