It’s been a sad time for everyone in our Club. As nearly two weeks ago Pat Fowler, the wife of our President Ray, passed away. Joan Clough gave a moving tribute covering Pat’s time in our Club and so many other parts of Castleton life. Pat had been a member of our Club from its formation. Working behind the scenes (as well as behind the camera) in so many ways; including serving tea/coffee and biscuits for so many years during the break in our meetings. Pat was a pillar of Castelton; for example Pat was either President or Secretary of our local WI group for 40 years.

For the first part of the evening Alison gave a presentation covering her recent safari. Sarah, the wife of one of our members had lived in Kenya for 17 years, remarked that she was deeply impressed with Alison’s images, and how close that Alison had been to some of the game. Being completely quiet and not moving a muscle, rather than relying on long reach lenses. Alison has more courage and nerve than me, as I’d have been running in the opposite direction from lions, leopards, elephants, etc.
The second half of the meeting was presented by Erica, who talked us through the process of assessment days, for those who want to qualify for the RPS Licentiate Distinction.