This, our 2021 Annual Exhibition evening, may be our last or penultimate Zoom meeting of 2021, held digitally to meet Covid19 rules. Our Chair Roger welcomed online members and our online guest Robert Falconer, who appraised our 2021 Exhibition images. Here’s a screenshot covering the main points Roger covered, before the meeting moved on to viewing this year’s Exhibition images:
We were treated to a masterclass in how to appraise photos constructively by local landscape and steam train photographer Robert Falconer, who reviewed the submissions for our Annual Exhibition. Robert gave careful and considered feedback on each and every image, with lots of helpful suggestions on how they might be improved.
Here are those images Robert selected for places in our 2021 Exhibition General Category:
First ‘Open wide’ by John Sampson
Second “Singing Carmine Bee Eater’ by Alison Johnston
Third ‘Night song’ by Stephen Elliott
Commendations – General: ‘Still standing’ by Roger Moore, ‘Industrial Dawn’ by Stephen Elliott, ‘Faces’ by Roger Moore.
Here are the images Robert selected for places in our 2021 Exhibition Theme Category – Bridging the gap:
First ‘Roman Bridge – Penmachno’ by Stephen Elliott
Second ‘Jumping the gap’ by Richard Clemons
Third ‘Spanning St Pancras’ by Keith Brown
Theme commendations – Bridging the gap:
‘Between Dark skies and a dawn landfall’ by Ian Ord, It’s a connected world’ by Roger Moore, ‘Sabretooth Bridge’ by Ann Smith
Catherine Cup for best colour image ‘Roman Bridge – Penmachno’ by Stephen Elliott
Denis Thorpe Trophy ‘Spanning St Pancras’ by Keith Brown